Legato NetWorker 4.2.5 Qstart Guide UNIX Version

  1. Introduction
  2. Road Map
  3. Planning the Installation
  4. Installing NetWorker
  5. Starting the NetWorker Administrator Program
  6. Viewing Electronic Files
  7. Installing the Acrobat Reader
  8. Viewing the Manuals
  9. Evaluating NetWorker
  10. Retrieving Release Supplements
  11. Technical Support

Introduction [to top of page]

Welcome to Legato NetWorker!

If you are evaluating NetWorker for the first time, install the software using the instructions in `Installing NetWorker'. After installing the software, read the section on `Evaluating NetWorker' of this Quick Start Guide.

If you purchased NetWorker and are installing it for the first time, use the installation instructions on `Installing NetWorker', and, for additional information, refer to the Legato NetWorker Installation and Maintenance Guide, UNIX Version, included in the product package. Look for the Enabler Certificate in your package you need the enabler number on the certificate, after you install the software, to enable and register the product you purchased. Follow the instructions in Chapter 5 of the Installation and Maintenance Guide to enable and register NetWorker.

If you are updating your NetWorker software from a previous release to Release 4.2.5, follow the installation instructions on `Installing NetWorker' of this Quick Start Guide. Be sure to install the new software in the same location as your existing NetWorker executables.

The NetWorker software is distributed on compact disc, read only memory (CD-ROM). The CD-ROM contains 30-day evaluation software for the full NetWorker product:

This software supports UNIX clients using TCP/IP protocol. If you need support for other platforms, all NetWorker ClientPaks\xaa \xb8 are compatible with this release of NetWorker, including ClientPak for PC Desktops, ClientPak for Windows NT, ClientPak for NetWare, ClientPak for Macintosh, and ClientPak for UNIX. Contact Legato or your authorized reseller for information about ClientPaks.

Road Map [to top of page]

Follow this road map to install and enable NetWorker.

Planning the Installation [to top of page]

If your NetWorker server has a CD-ROM drive attached to it, load the CD-ROM into the drive, and follow the instructions in this guide to install the software.

If you have a CD-ROM drive attached to another UNIX workstation on the network, you can install the software remotely. Refer to the Legato NetWorker Installation and Maintenance Guide, UNIX Version.

Before you install NetWorker, you need the following:

Important: If you are updating from an earlier release, be sure to install the software in the same directory where it was previously installed.

Installing NetWorker [to top of page]

This section describes installing the software on a server with a local CD-ROM drive. After installing the software, you should read the online documentation for additional information, known bugs, and important operation notes. See `Installing the Acrobat Reader' and `Viewing the Manuals' for more information.

Important: Before you begin the installation, verify that your server recognizes the CD-ROM drive.

Perform the following steps to install NetWorker:

  1. Become root on the server.
  2. For Solaris, you do not need to extract the software; skip to step 6.

    For SunOS or AIX systems, create a temporary directory for the software and change to that directory, using the following commands:

    # mkdir nsr_extract
    # cd nsr_extract
  3. Mount the NetWorker CD-ROM in the drive.
  4. Extract the software from the CD-ROM with one of the commands in the following table.
    SunOStar xvpBf /cdrom/sun4/sun4.tar
    Solarisno extraction needed
    AIXtar xvpBf /cdrom/aix/aix.tar

    The NetWorker files list on the screen as the extraction proceeds. When the extraction is complete (after approximately one minute), the shell prompt reappears.

  5. Change to the directory that matches your operating system, sun4 or aix.
  6. Start the installation with one of the following commands.
    SunOS./nsr_ize -i -s
    Solarispkgadd -d /cdrom/networker_4_2_5/solaris/solaris.pkg
    AIX./nsr_ize -i -s

    The installation script displays on your screen.

  7. Enter the required answers to the questions in the script. For detailed information, refer to the Installation and Maintenance Guide.

Starting the NetWorker Administrator Program [to top of page]

By installing NetWorker, you configured the server to provide backup and recover services. To bring up the NetWorker Administrator window, enter the nwadmin command at the system prompt:

# nwadmin &

If you have trouble starting the NetWorker Administrator program, one of the following may be the cause:

See Appendix B, `Troubleshooting,' in the Installation and Maintenance Guide for information on checking and starting the NetWorker daemons and on setting the DISPLAY variable correctly.

Viewing Electronic Files [to top of page]

The CD-ROM contains electronic versions of the NetWorker manuals in portable document format (.pdf). To view these on a SPARC or AIX workstation, you need to install the Adobe Acrobat Reader, also provided on the CD-ROM.

The manual files are located in the pdf directory on the CD-ROM. They are not automatically installed when you install the NetWorker software. You can map the pdf directory from the CD-ROM to a disk volume on a local disk, or copy the contents of the entire directory to a local disk. The manual files require approximately 5.5 MB of disk space; the Acrobat Reader for SPARC or for AIX requires about 8 MB of disk space.

The following table lists the contents of the pdf directory.

user.pdfLegato NetWorker User's Guide, UNIX Version
admin.pdfLegato NetWorker Administrator's Guide, UNIX Version
install.pdfLegato NetWorker Installation and Maintenance Guide, SPARC Version
sparcsup.pdfLegato NetWorker 4.2.5 Release Supplement, SPARC Version
aixsup.pdfLegato NetWorker 4.2.5 Release Supplement, AIX Version
jbsup.pdfLegato NetWorker 4.2.5 for UNIX Autochanger Release Supplement

Installing the Acrobat Reader [to top of page]

The CD-ROM contains the Adobe Acrobat Reader for viewing the electronic versions (.pdf) files of the NetWorker documentation.

Important: The Acrobat Reader for AIX does not support AIX release 3.2.x or earlier.

With the CD-ROM still mounted, follow these steps to extract the Acrobat Reader files.

  1. Log in as root.
  2. Create a temporary directory with at least 8 MB of available space to extract the Acrobat Reader files from
    # mkdir acrobat_extract
    # cd acrobat_extract
  3. Enter the following command to extract the Acrobat Reader files, substituting solaris, sun4, or aix for
    # tar xvpBf /cdrom/your_system/acroread.tar

    Note: This directory now contains INSTAGUID.TXT, an important file that you must read before using the Acrobat Reader.

  4. Enter the following command to install the files.
    # ./INSTALL

    The screen clears and you see the licensing information.

  5. Press [Return] repeatedly to clear the screen until you see the following:Do you ACCEPT or DECLINE the Electronic End User License Agreement?
  6. Enter the following:accept
  7. The next screen asks where you want to install the reader. The default directory is /usr/AcroRead for SunOS, /opt/AcroRead for Solaris, or /usr/lpp/AcroRead for AIX. Enter the full pathname for a directory or press [Return] to accept the default.

    When installation completes, you see a message indicating that installation is complete.

  8. Change to the directory containing the Acrobat Reader files, as specified in step 7. For example, for Solaris:
    # cd /opt/AcroRead/bin
  9. Enter the following command to start the Acrobat Reader.
    # ./acroread

    The Acrobat Reader appears on your screen.

    Note: Enter the following for a list of command line options.

    # acroread -help

Viewing the Manuals [to top of page]

To view the electronic files for the UNIX documentation set, follow these steps.

  1. For UNIX systems, enter the following command to copy the document (.pdf) files from the CD-ROM to a directory with at least 5.5 MB of available space. For example:
    # cd /usr/AcroRead
    # cp /cdrom/pdf/* .
  2. Change to the directory containing the Acrobat Reader. For example:
    # cd bin
  3. Enter the following command to start the Acrobat Reader:
    # ./acroread

    The Acrobat Reader appears on your screen.

  4. In the Acrobat Reader Selection field, enter the pathname of the directory in step 1 where you copied the .pdf files from the CD-ROM.

Evaluating NetWorker [to top of page]

If you are installing NetWorker for the first time and want to evaluate options you did not purchase, do not enable NetWorker until after you evaluate the other options. You have 30 days to try the other options, and then you have to enable NetWorker.

If you are updating from a previous version of NetWorker and want to evaluate options you did not purchase, call your sales representative for an evaluation enabler.

Retrieving Release Supplements [to top of page]

You can retrieve the latest version of the Legato NetWorker for UNIX 4.2.5 Release Supplement, SPARC or AIX Version, by using one of the following services:

Technical Support [to top of page]

Legato offers a variety of services, including electronic, telephone, and FAX support to meet your technical needs.
Legato Service Resource Location Technical Bulletins Binary Patches Company & Product Information Training Programs
CompuServe (GO LEGATO)YesYes
ftp.legato.com, Internet address in as anonymous)YesYes
FaxWorker, our interactive FAX service, at (415) 812-6156YesYesYes
e-mail request server, request@legato.comYesYesYes
Legato Inside Sales at (415) 812-6000Yes
Legato Education Services at (415) 812-6096Yes
*For detailed information about our services, support policies, and software subscriptions, please refer to the booklet Service, Support and Training Programs included in the NetWorker package.

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